Get In Touch

Please visit the CAREERS page for current available vacancies and the Procurement Information page for Vendor and Procurement Queries.

We can unfortunately not accept any vacancy or procurement applications through the “Contact Us” channel

Please complete the form below to send us a message for GENERAL QUERIES ONLY.

Please note that no sales, procurement or recruitment queries can be accommodated here.
For Career Opportunities, please visit our Career Page to register your CV.
Please see the contact list for specific departments below (Sales, Procurement, etc.)

Contact Information

Corporate Office
Tel: +27 11 245-1000
Fax: +27 11 245-1200
Physical Address:
1st Floor, Block A, Cullinan Place, Cullinan Close (off Rivonia Road), Morningside, Sandton, South Africa, 2196.
Postal Address:
PostNet Suite 803, Private Bag X9, Benmore, South Africa, 2010.
Sales and Product Marketing

Contact Marketing by email only, providing the required information

Group Procurement Services

Contact the Group Procurement Manager
Tel: +27 11 245-1000
Fax: +27 11 245-1200

Physical Address:
1st Floor, Block A, Cullinan Place, Cullinan Close (off Rivonia Road), Morningside, Sandton, South Africa, 2196.
Postal Address:
PostNet Suite 803, Private Bag X9, Benmore, South Africa, 2010.

Finances and Legal
Tel: +27 11 245-1000
For inquiries related to Finances and Legal enter the words ” Finances and Legal” into the subject field when using the link below:
Mineral Resources and Technology

Tel: +27 11 245-1000
For inquiries related to Mineral Resources or Technology enter the words ” Mineral Resources” or “Technology” into the subject field when using the link below:

Corporate Communication

Contact the Corporate Communication Superintendent
Tel: +27 11 245-1000
For inquiries related to Communication enter the words ” Communication” into the subject field when using the link below:

Training & Development/Bursary Fund
Contact the Khuphuka Training and Development Centre
or fax: 086 267 3437.

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